SiluettFloor and SiluettFloor Glass

These very changing scales emote a sense of nature, like a series of trees in which one is certainly not exactly like the next.

Visual influence and inspiration:
– The soft form, a hybrid of both an organic and geometric nature, is intended as a relaxing form, absent of harsh edges, but not too abstract to cause visual distraction. It is simple and soothing in its shape.
– The variety of scales from one unit to the next allows for a playful or conservative arrangement based on the desires of those using the space.
– These very changing scales emote a sense of nature, like a series of trees in which one is certainly not exactly like the next. The greater the combination of different scaled units, the less one feels like he or she is in an office, but rather in the open, in nature.
– The ability to arrange the multi-scaled units together lends to a beautiful and less predictable negative/positive space dichotomy that allows the units to work together nicely. They become sculptural in their assemblies.
– The bent plywood base was a solution intended to tie the product back to the brand itself, which emphasizes the use of high-quality wood.

Focused work mode and office needs:
– Siluett Collections allows for a focused work mode in that 1) it softens ambient sound, and 2) it masks the visual disruptions of a space to allow for a feeling of privacy both individually and within a small work group.
– Offers additional benefit of magnetic glass writing surface for independent and small group brainstorm and presentation activities. This promotes healthy collaboration amongst employees, while encouraging the sharing of ideas and information within a group.
– With its wheels built into the base, Siluett is easily moveable, harnessing the idea that the office is a living space that changes based on the needs of employees at any given moment. It can easily be moved for individual use, or in multiples to create the perimeter of a temporary meeting or conference space. It can also be easily rolled out of the way when not needed.

Launch: Stockholm Furniture Fair, 5 Februari 2019
Design: Brad Ascalon
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Download: SiluettFloor
#glimakra.of.sweden #siluettfloor #siluettfloorglass
Press contact: Rita Katakalidou

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